Into 'mbomXhosa

The time has come for you to listen to my views...These are my personal views on many issues including politics and political discours, love, societal order/dis-order, Africa, friends, life and much more...So get into my head and hear, read and engage what i have to say...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Women ??? te QUESTION

Women’s month PROSE

By Mihlali Gqada
The question that intrigues me the most is that which query’s the depth-ness of a woman’s sense of worth. It unequivocally suggests that she is worthy of honor, and should be equated to Godlyness because of her evident demeanor; her faith and loyalty to all that she loves. A woman has long been made a mute hog, loved for her firm breasts with shape her physic and astound her male companions. Long has she been a stature to be admired by passers-on who look unto her as a feature to entertain and make stand their manhood. Her hair, eyes, lips have been a subject for speculation for far to long.

Long have man attempted to define her value as though it’s a memorandum of appeal. The world has derived much joy from her womb and politicians have gasped at the softness of her voice, mistaking it for weakness. The women has been struck by the thunderous misfortune of sadistic aggression in the hands of the patriarchal world and the rapt insane laws that enslave her body to domestic woes and prostitutive propensity…never capturing the might of her SOUL.

Though railed as the tail of the train, sold to the highest binder to induce the world of the haves, she stays strong in her soul and belief of better days to come. Young and old women hold the force of the world at the palm of their hands, for in the absence of their smile the world would be a deep dark hole, filled with aggressive human-like features who know not how to conduct themselves.

I do not seek to state the obvious, or declare the immensity of the role of women in society, because whomever does not know this in this day, is not worthy of my audience. Mine is simply to usher goodness in the hearts of woman and to declare to all those who seek an audience with me the energy by which women need to know and qualify their lives.

I vow NOT to stand shouting on a porch but to redirect my zest for the ultimate upliftment of women to intimate conversation that deliver the message of hope, that nurture the sentiment of consistent faithfulness even to those ignorant souls who believe a woman’s place is in the kitchen. I seek to allay the worries of being unable to be loved and or capable of being a wife – that GOD watches over your psyche and has readily declared you as spectacular, so any worldly declaration of your supremacy is a mere corroboration, a subtle realization of what you should readily know.

You are not just beautiful, but spiritually aligned to greatness. You are not only the mother of the soil, but the dust that gathers to synthesis all forms of vegetation that feeds our bodies, oxygenates our lungs and breathe air into our lungs. You are not just God’s prized possession but his master piece, his grand selection for prominence.

I am a delectable dime, a precious gem, worthy of all that is great, a diamond in the rough touted for exquisiteness…I am a daughter, a lover, a friend, a sister, a grandchild and most importantly I am God’s guard and he is my savior…


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